Speech Automation 5.1
The ISpeechRecoGrammar automation interface enables applications to manage the words and phrases for the SR engine.
A single SpRecognizer object can be associated with multiple SpRecoContext objects. Similarly, a single SpRecoContext object can be associated with multiple ISpRecoGrammar objects. This allows designers to create applications containing several grammars, each of which is specialized for a different type of recognition. Each ISpRecoGrammar object can contain both a context-free grammar (CFG) and a dictation grammar simultaneously.
Automation Interfaces
The ISpeechRecoGrammar automation interface contains the following elements:
Properties | Description |
Id Property | Returns the Id assigned to the grammar when it was created. |
RecoContext Property | Returns the RecoContext object that created this grammar. |
Rules Property | Returns the collection of grammar rules in the RecoGrammar. |
State Property | Gets and sets the operational status of the speech grammar. |
Methods | Description |
CmdLoadFromFile Method | Loads a command and control grammar from the specified file. |
CmdLoadFromMemory Method | Loads a compiled speech grammar from memory. |
CmdLoadFromObject Method | Loads a speech grammar from a COM object. |
CmdLoadFromProprietaryGrammar Method | Loads a proprietary speech grammar. |
CmdLoadFromResource Method | Loads a command and control grammar from a Win32 resource. |
CmdSetRuleIdState Method | Activates or deactivates a rule by its rule ID. |
CmdSetRuleState Method | Activates or deactivates a rule by its rule name. |
DictationLoad Method | Loads a dictation topic into the grammar. |
DictationSetState Method | Sets the dictation topic state. |
DictationUnload Method | Unloads the active dictation topic from the grammar. |
IsPronounceable Method | Determines if a word has a pronunciation. |
Reset Method | Clears all grammar rules and resets the grammar's language to NewLanguage. |
SetTextSelection Method | Sets the range of text selection information in a word sequence data buffer. |
SetWordSequenceData Method | Defines a word sequence data buffer for use by the SR engine. |