The ISpThreadControl interface inherits from the ISpNotifySink interface.
Methods in Vtable Order
ISpThreadControl Methods | Description |
StartThread | Initializes a thread and returns a window handle. |
WaitForThreadDone | Specifies the time interval to wait before ending thread processing. |
TerminateThread | Forces immediate termination of the thread. |
ThreadHandle | Returns the thread handle of the allocated thread. |
ThreadId | Returns the thread ID of the allocated thread. |
NotifyEvent | Returns the Win32 event handle that will be set when the Notify() method is called. |
WindowHandle | Returns the window handle associated with the thread. |
ThreadCompleteEvent | Returns an event that the client can use to wait until the thread processing has completed. |
ExitThreadEvent | Returns the event passed to the ISpThreadTask::ThreadProc method. |