
Microsoft Speech SDK

The Speech website Microsoft Speech SDK SAPI 5.1


The ISpThreadControl interface inherits from the ISpNotifySink interface.

Methods in Vtable Order

ISpThreadControl Methods Description
StartThread Initializes a thread and returns a window handle.
WaitForThreadDone Specifies the time interval to wait before ending thread processing.
TerminateThread Forces immediate termination of the thread.
ThreadHandle Returns the thread handle of the allocated thread.
ThreadId Returns the thread ID of the allocated thread.
NotifyEvent Returns the Win32 event handle that will be set when the Notify() method is called.
WindowHandle Returns the window handle associated with the thread.
ThreadCompleteEvent Returns an event that the client can use to wait until the thread processing has completed.
ExitThreadEvent Returns the event passed to the ISpThreadTask::ThreadProc method.