
Microsoft Speech SDK

The Speech website Microsoft Speech SDK SAPI 5.1


ISpSREngine::GetPropertyNum retrieves a numerical property value from the SR engine. 


HRESULT GetPropertyNum(
   SPPROPSRC      eSrc,
   void          *pvSrcObj,
   const WCHAR   *pName,
   LONG          *lValue


[in] One of the types specified in the SPPROPSRC enumeration sequence. (This will currently always be SPPROPSRC_RECO_INST).
[in] Pointer to additional information. (Currently always NULL).
[in] String containing the property name.
[out] Pointer that the SR engine supplies with the property value information. If the engine does not support this property attribute, it should set the contents of this pointer to zero.

Return values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully. Engine supports this property attribute and has returned a value for it.
S_FALSE Function completed successfully but engine does not support this property.
FAILED(hr) Appropriate error message.


Applications can use properties to control run-time results of the SR engine. The application can set and retrieve values for specific attributes on the engine. Some values are predefined by SAPI and others may be added by an engine. See SAPI 5.0 SR Properties White Paper for more details.

This method is called on the engine by SAPI when the application calls ISpProperties::GetPropertyNum on its recognition context object.