ISpeechPhraseInfo Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK

Speech Automation 5.1


The ISpeechPhraseInfo automation interface contains properties detailing phrase elements. This includes information about the audio streams, start and stop times for the audio, and elements contained in the phrase.

Automation Interface Elements

The ISpeechPhraseInfo automation interface contains the following elements:

Properties Description
AudioSizeBytes Property Returns the size of audio data in bytes for this phrase.
AudioSizeTime Property Returns the length of phrase's audio in 100-nanosecond units.
AudioStreamPosition Property Returns the start time in the audio stream for the phrase.
Elements Property Returns information about the elements of the phrase.
EngineId Property Returns a string containing the GUID of the engine recognizing this phrase.
EnginePrivateData Property Returns the private data of the engine.
GrammarId Property Returns the ID of the grammar that contains the top-level rule used to recognize the phrase.
LanguageId Property Returns the language ID for the phrase elements.
Properties Property Returns the root property for the result.
Replacements Property Returns possible text replacements.
RetainedSizeBytes Property Returns the size in bytes of the retained audio data for the audio format specified.
Rule Property Retrieves information about the top-level rule that was used to recognize the phrase.
StartTime Property Returns the start time for start of phrase audio in absolute time.
Methods Description
GetDisplayAttributes Method Returns the display attribute for the text.
GetText Method Returns the text from a recognition as a single string.
SaveToMemory Method Saves the entire recognition result to memory.