ISpeechRecognizerStatus Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK

Speech Automation 5.1


The ISpeechRecognizerStatus automation interface returns the status of the speech recognition (SR) engine represented by the recognizer object.

This method provides information for static elements about the SR engine such as the languages it supports. It also provides information for dynamic elements such as the engine's current stream position, and whether the stream is actively being sent to the engine.

These dynamic elements are equivalent to parameters returned by recognition context events. It may be advantageous for some applications to retrieve these elements by calling Status occasionally, rather than by receiving events constantly.

Automation Interface Elements

The ISpeechRecognizerStatus automation interface contains the following elements:

Properties Description
AudioStatus Property Returns the status of the recognizer's audio output.
ClsidEngine Property Returns the unique identifier associated with the current engine.
CurrentStreamNumber Property Returns the number of the current recognition stream.
CurrentStreamPosition Property Returns the recognizer's position in the recognition stream, in bytes.
NumberOfActiveRules Property Returns the current engine's number of active rules.
SupportedLanguages Property Returns an array containing the languages the active engine supports.