SpAudioFormat Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK

Speech Automation 5.1


The SpAudioFormat automation object represents an audio format.

Most applications using standard audio formats will use the Type property to set and retrieve formats. Non-standard formats using wav files will use SetWavFormatEx and GetWaveFormatEx to set and retrieve formats, respectively. Non-standard formats using sources other than wav files use Guid.

Automation Interface Elements

The SpAudioFormat automation object has the following elements:

Properties Description
Guid Property Returns the GUID of the default format.
Type Property Gets and sets the speech audio format as a SpeechAudioFormatType.
Methods Description
GetWaveFormatEx Method Gets the audio format as an SpWaveFormatEx object.
SetWaveFormatEx Method Sets the audio format with an SpWaveFormatEx object.