ISpObjectTokenCategory::EnumTokens enumerates the tokens for the category by attempting to match specified requirements. Attributes, enumerations, and searches are discussed in Object Tokens and Registry Settings White Paper.
HRESULT EnumTokens(
const WCHAR *pszReqAttribs,
const WCHAR *pszOptAttribs,
IEnumSpObjectTokens **ppEnum
- pszReqAttribs
- [in] The null terminated string of required attributes for the token.
- pszOptAttribs
- [in] The null terminated string of optional attributes for the token. The order in which the tokens are listed in ppEnum is based on the order they match pszOptAttribs.
- ppEnum
- [out] The enumerated list of tokens found.
Return values
Value | Description |
S_OK | Function completed successfully. |
SPERR_UNINITIALIZED | Data key interface is not initialized. |
E_POINTER | At least one of the parameters is invalid or bad. |
FAILED(hr) | Appropriate error message. |
The following code snippet demonstrates getting a complete enumerated token list. Since no specific requirement is given (pszReqAttribs and pszOptAttribs are NULL), all values are returned for SPCAT_VOICES.
CComPtr<ISpObjectTokenCategory> cpSpCategory;
CComPtr<IEnumSpObjectTokens> cpSpEnumTokens;
hr = SpGetCategoryFromId(SPCAT_VOICES, &cpSpCategory;);
//Check hr
hr = cpSpCategory->EnumTokens(NULL, NULL, &cpSpEnumTokens;);
//Check hr