Microsoft Speech SDK

The Microsoft.com Speech website Microsoft Speech SDK SAPI 5.1


SPPHRASEALT is used by SAPI and the speech recognition (SR) engine's alternate analyzer to exchange alternate information.

When a speech recognition application requests phrase alternates from the SR engine (see ISpRecoResult::GetAlternates), SAPI passes an empty SPPHRASEALT structure to the alternate analyzer (see ISpSRAlternates::GetAlternates). If it can generate alternate phrases based on the application's request (see SPPHRASEALTREQUEST), the alternate analyzer must fill in the SPPHRASEALT structure and return it to SAPI. SAPI will return the alternate phrases to the application as an array of pointers to ISpPhraseAlt interfaces.

If the application selects an alternate as the preferred phrase (see ISpPhraseAlt::Commit), then SAPI will pass the respective SPPHRASEALT structure back to the alternate analyzer to update the language or acoustic models (see ISpSRAlternates::Commit).

typedef struct tagSPPHRASEALT
   ISpPhraseBuilder   *pPhrase;
   ULONG               ulStartElementInParent;
   ULONG               cElementsInParent;
   ULONG               cElementsInAlternate;
   void               *pvAltExtra;
   ULONG               cbAltExtra;


The alternate phrase.
The index of the starting element for the change in the original phrase.
The number of elements in the original recognition.
The number of elements that are changed in the alternate.
A pointer to the private SR engine alternate analyzer data. Can be NULL if no data is provided.
The size of the private SR engine alternate analyzer data. Can be zero if no data is provided.