
Microsoft Speech SDK

The Speech website Microsoft Speech SDK SAPI 5.1


ISpSREngineSite::DataAvailable retrieves the amount of data that can be read using ISpSREngineSite::Read without blocking.

This method can only be called while the SR engine is inside a ISpSREngine::RecognizeStream call, although it can be called on any thread.

HRESULT DataAvailable(
   ULONG   *pcb


[out] The amount, in bytes, of data available. For real-time audio streams this is the actual amount of data currently available. For non real-time streams this method will always return the value INFINITE. Using the fRealTimeAudio parameter on the RecognizeStream method, engines can determine whether this is a real-time stream.

Return values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
E_POINTER pcb is a bad write pointer.
SPERR_STREAM_NOT_ACTIVE Method called when engine is not inside RecognizeStream call.
FAILED(hr) Other appropriate error message.