SPVOICESTATUS contains voice status information. This structure is returned by ISpVoice::GetStatus.
typedef struct SPVOICESTATUS
ULONG ulCurrentStream;
ULONG ulLastStreamQueued;
HRESULT hrLastResult;
DWORD dwRunningState;
ULONG ulInputWordPos;
ULONG ulInputWordLen;
ULONG ulInputSentPos;
ULONG ulInputSentLen;
LONG lBookmarkId;
DWORD dwReserved1;
DWORD dwReserved2;
- ulCurrentStream
- The number of the current stream being synthesized or receiving output (see ISpVoice::Speak for more information on stream numbers).
- ulLastStreamQueued
- The number of the last stream queued.
- hrLastResult
- Result of the last Speak or Speakstream call.
- dwRunningState
- Indicates the status of the voice.. That is, whether it is currently speaking, is done with all pending speak requests, or is currently waiting to speak. The possible flag values are contained in the SPRUNSTATE enumeration. A value of zero indicates that the voice is currently waiting to speak.
- ulInputWordPos
- Character position within the input text of the word currently being processed.
- ulInputWordLen
- Length of the word currently being processed.
- ulInputSentPos
- Character position within the input text of the sentence currently being processed.
- ulInputSentLen
- Length of the sentence currently being processed.
- lBookmarkId
- Current bookmark string (in base 10) converted to a long integer. If the string of the current bookmark does not begin with an integer, lBookmarkId will be zero. For example, if the bookmark name is "123Bookmark", the lBookmarkId is "123"; and if the bookmark name is "hello", the lBookmarkId is zero.
- PhonemeId
- Current phoneme ID - see SAPI Phoneme set
- VisemeId
- Current viseme ID - see SAPI Viseme set
- dwReserved1
- Reserved for future expansion.
- dwReserved2
- Reserved for future expansion.