
Microsoft Speech SDK

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Speech Automation 5.1

SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType Enum

The SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType enumeration lists the types of transitions for the speech recognition engine.


Enum SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType
    SGRSTTEpsilon = 0
    SGRSTTWord = 1
    SGRSTTRule = 2
    SGRSTTDictation = 3
    SGRSTTWildcard = 4
    SGRSTTTextBuffer = 5
End Enum


Indicates there should be an epsilon transition. These are NULL transitions that can be traversed without recognizing anything.
Indicates there should be a word transition. These represent single words that the recognizer will recognize before advancing to the next state.
Indicates there should be a rule transition. These represent transitions into sub-rules. This transition is only passed when a path through the sub-rule has been recognized.
Indicates there should be a dictation transition. SGRSTTDictation is a special transition and may not be supported by all engines. This is used to embed dictation within a context-free grammar (CFG). Each transition means one word should be recognized.
Indicates there should be a wildcard transition. SGRSTTWildcard is a special transition and may not be supported by all engines. This indicates a transition that matches any word or words. The engine does not try and recognize the spoken words. The engine includes the string value WildcardInCFG as an attribute in its object token to inform the application that it is capable of supporting this.
Indicates there should be a text buffer transition. SGRSTTTextBuffer is a special transition and may not be supported by all engines. This indicates that the engine is to recognize a sub-string of words from the text buffer, if it has been set.