ISpeechPhraseElement RequiredConfidence Property

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK

Speech Automation 5.1

Interface: ISpeechPhraseElement

RequiredConfidence Property

The RequiredConfidence property returns the required confidence for this element.

This value is an enumerated value of type SpeechEngineConfidence. See Confidence Scoring and Rejection in SAPI Speech Recognition Engine Guide for additional details. Required confidence values are specified in grammars. Preceding a word with '-' sets its RequiredConfidence as low (SECLowConfidence); preceding a word with '+' sets its RequiredConfidence as high (SECHighConfidence)


Set: (This property is read-only)
Get: SpeechEngineConfidence = ISpeechPhraseElement.RequiredConfidence


The owning object.
Set: (This property is read-only)
Get: A SpeechEngineConfidence variable that gets the value of the property.


Use of the ISpeechPhraseElement is demonstrated in a code example at the end of this section.