
Microsoft Speech SDK

The Microsoft.com Speech website Microsoft Speech SDK SAPI 5.1


The following methods are available.

ISpDataKey Methods Description
CSpDynamicString The class constructors.
~CSpDynamicString The class destructor.
Append Appends a string or strings to the current instance.
Attach Attaches or assigns a string to the instance.
Clear Clears the text from an instance.
ClearAndGrowTo Clears the instance and reallocates it.
Compact Compacts the instance by reallocating it.
Copy Makes a copy of the instance.
CopyToBSTR Allocates a system BSTR.
Detach Detaches a string from the instance.
Length Returns the length of the instance.
LTrim Trims the white space starting from the left.
RTrim Trims the white space starting from the right.
TrimBoth Trims the white space starting from both the right and left sides.
TrimToSize Truncates the instance to a specific size.