
Microsoft Speech SDK

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Speech Automation 5.1

SpeechRuleAttributes Enum

The SpeechRuleAttributes enumeration lists the possible attributes of a grammar rule.

Used in ISpeechGrammarRules.Add and ISpeechGrammarRule.Attributes.


Enum SpeechRuleAttributes
    SRATopLevel = 1
    SRADefaultToActive = 2
    SRAExport = 4
    SRAImport = 8
    SRAInterpreter = 16
    SRADynamic = 32
End Enum


Specifies that the rule is defined as a top-level rule. Top-level rules are the entry points into the grammar and can be activated or deactivated programmatically. Set a rule as top-level by using the TOPLEVEL attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
Specifies that the rule is defined as a top-level rule that is activated by default. This can be set using the TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
Specifies the rule is exported and hence can be referred to by a rule in another grammar. This can be set using the EXPORT="YES" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
Specifies the rule is imported from another grammar and is therefore not defined in this grammar.
Specifies the rule has an interpreter (custom C/C++ code implementing the ISpCFGInterpreter interface) associated with it.
Specifies the rule is dynamic (can be changed programmatically through the ISpGrammarBuilder interface). Note that the CFG must be loaded with the SPLO_DYNAMIC flag to enable changes at run time.