ISpeechVoiceStatus Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

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Speech Automation 5.1


The ISpeechVoiceStatus automation interface defines the types of information returned by the SpVoice.Status method.

Most ISpeechVoiceStatus properties consist of real-time feedback from the text-to-speech (TTS) engine. These properties are equivalent to parameters returned by voice events, and like voice events, they are used only with asynchronous speech. It may be advantageous for some applications to retrieve these elements by calling Status occasionally, rather than by receiving events constantly.

It should be noted that voice status and voice events are closely associated with the status of the audio output device. A voice speaking to a file stream produces no audio output and has no audio output status. As a result, ISpeechVoiceStatus always displays the voice as inactive.

Use of the ISpeechVoiceStatus is demonstrated in a code example at the end of this section.

Automation Interface Elements

The ISpeechVoiceStatus automation interface contains the following elements:

Properties Description
CurrentStreamNumber Property Retrieves the number of the text input stream being spoken by the TTS engine.
InputSentenceLength Property Retrieves the length of the sentence currently being spoken by the TTS engine.
InputSentencePosition Property Retrieves the position one character prior to the beginning of the sentence currently being spoken by the TTS engine.
InputWordLength Property Retrieves the length of the word currently being spoken by the TTS engine.
InputWordPosition Property Retrieves the position one character prior to the beginning of the word currently being spoken by the TTS engine.
LastBookmark Property Retrieves the string value of the last bookmark encountered by the TTS engine.
LastBookmarkId Property Retrieves the ID of the last bookmark encountered by the TTS engine.
LastHResult Property Retrieves the HResult, or internal status code, from the last Speak or SpeakStream operation performed by the TTS engine.
LastStreamNumberQueued Property Retrieves the number of the last audio stream spoken by the TTS engine.
PhonemeId Property Retrieves the ID of the current phoneme being spoken by the TTS engine.
RunningState Property Retrieves the run state of the voice, which indicates whether the voice is speaking or inactive.
VisemeId Property Gets the ID of the current viseme being spoken by the TTS engine.