Model Reduction VIs
Owning Palette: Control Design VIs and Functions
Installed With: Control Design and Simulation Module. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.
Use the Model Reduction VIs to perform a zero-pole cancellation or to reduce the number of states in state-space models. You also can use the Model Reduction VIs to eliminate inputs and outputs that are uncontrollable or unobservable.
The VIs on this palette can return general LabVIEW error codes or specific control design error codes.
Palette Object | Description |
CD Minimal Realization | Simplifies the model by using the minimum order possible to fully describe the dynamic system. The data type you wire to the State-Space Model input determines the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Minimal State Realization | Calculates a reduced State-Space Model based on null rows and columns in the controllability and observability matrices, respectively. Even though the controllability and observability matrices might be rank deficient, state elimination only occurs when columns or rows on such matrices are below a tolerance. |
CD Model Order Reduction | Eliminates state dynamics that you want to ignore in the State-Space Model. This VI can eliminate the state dynamics by deleting the states or by assuming steady state conditions for states with fast dynamics, also known as pseudo-steady-state assumption. The pseudo steady state assumption does not affect the discrete and continuous system gain of the original system, that is, the remaining states will have the same gain as when considering the full order system. |
CD Remove IO from Model | Selects the inputs, outputs and/or states that you want to remove from the original system model. If you want to keep inputs, outputs, or states from the original system model, use the CD Select IO from Model VI. The data type you wire to the State-Space Model input determines the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Select IO from Model | Selects the inputs, outputs, and/or states that you want to keep from the original system model. If you want to remove inputs, outputs, or states from the original system model, use the CD Remove IO from Model VI. The data type you wire to the State-Space Model input determines the polymorphic instance to use. |