Table of contents
Control Design VIs and Functions
- Control Design Controls and Indicators
- Analytical PID Design VI
- Dynamic Characteristics VIs
- Frequency Response VIs
- Implementation VIs and Functions
Model Construction VIs
- CD Construct Filter Model
- CD Construct Lead-Lag Controller
- CD Construct PID Model
- CD Construct Random Model
- CD Construct Special TF Model
- CD Construct State-Space Model
- CD Construct Transfer Function Model
- CD Construct Zero-Pole-Gain Model
- CD Draw State-Space Equation
- CD Draw Transfer Function Equation
- CD Draw Zero-Pole-Gain Equation
- CD Read Model from File
- CD Write Model to File
Model Conversion VIs
- CD Convert Continuous to Discrete
- CD Convert Control Design to Simulation
- CD Convert Delay to Poles at Origin
- CD Convert Delay with Pade Approximation
- CD Convert Discrete to Continuous
- CD Convert Discrete to Discrete
- CD Convert Simulation to Control Design
- CD Convert to State-Space Model
- CD Convert to Transfer Function Model
- CD Convert to Zero-Pole-Gain Model
Model Information VIs
- CD Get Data from Model
- CD Get Delays from Model
- CD Get Names from Model
- CD Get Sampling Time from Model
- CD Get System Dimensions
- CD Set Data to Model
- CD Set Delays to Model
- CD Set Names to Model
- CD Set Sampling Time to Model
- CD Verify if Delayed
- CD Verify if Discrete
- CD Verify MIMO Properties
- CD Verify Model Type
- Model Interconnection VIs
- Model Reduction VIs
- Predictive Control VIs
- Solvers VIs
- State Feedback Design VIs
- State-Space Model Analysis VIs
Stochastic Systems VIs
- CD Construct Noise Model
- CD Construct Stochastic Model
- CD Convert Continuous Stochastic to Discrete
- CD Convert Deterministic to Stochastic Model
- CD Convert Stochastic to Deterministic Model
- CD Correlated Gaussian Random Noise
- CD Get Data from Noise Model
- CD Get Data from Stochastic Model
- CD Get Sampling Time from Stochastic Model
- CD Get Stochastic System Dimensions
- CD Verify Noise Model
- CD Verify Stochastic Model Properties
- Time Response VIs