Control Design VIs and Functions

Control Design VI and Function

Control Design VIs and Functions

June 2008, 370853E-01

Owning Palette: Control Design and Simulation VIs and Functions

Installed With: Control Design and Simulation Module. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Control Design VIs and functions to construct, analyze, and deploy dynamic system models in LabVIEW.

The VIs on these palettes can return general LabVIEW error codes or specific control design error codes.

Refer to the LabVIEW Control Design User Manual for more information about using the Control Design VIs and functions.

Analytical PID Design VIUse the VI on this palette to design the gain values for a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller.
Dynamic Characteristics VIsUse the Dynamic Characteristics VIs to calculate properties related to the dynamics of a given system model. Dynamic characteristics include DC gain, stability, norm, root locus, and pole-zero analysis.
Frequency Response VIsUse the Frequency Response VIs to analyze a system model in the frequency domain.
Implementation VIs and FunctionsUse the Implementation VIs and functions to simulate the dynamic response of a discrete system model, deploy a discrete model to a real-time target, implement a discrete Kalman filter, and implement current and predictive observers.
Model Construction VIsUse the Model Construction VIs to create linear system models and modify the properties of a system model. You also can use the Model Construction VIs to save a system model to a file, read a system model from a file, or obtain a visual representation of a model.
Model Conversion VIsUse the Model Conversion VIs to convert a system model from one representation to another, from a continuous-time to a discrete-time model, or from a discrete-time to a continuous-time model. You also can use the Model Conversion VIs to convert a control design model into a simulation model or a simulation model into a control design model.
Model Information VIsUse the Model Information VIs to obtain or set parameters, data, and names of a system model. Model information includes properties such as the system delay, system dimensions, sampling time, and names of inputs, outputs, and states.
Model Interconnection VIsUse the Model Interconnection VIs to perform different types of linear system interconnections. You can build a large system model by connecting smaller system models together.
Model Reduction VIsUse the Model Reduction VIs to perform a zero-pole cancellation or to reduce the number of states in state-space models. You also can use the Model Reduction VIs to eliminate inputs and outputs that are uncontrollable or unobservable.
Predictive Control VIsUse the Predictive Control VIs to construct and implement a predictive controller model for a state-space plant.
Solvers VIsUse the Solvers VIs to compute the solutions to the continuous and discrete algebraic Riccati equations, the continuous and discrete Lyapunov equations, and integrals involving matrix exponentials.
State-Space Model Analysis VIsUse State-Space Model Analysis VIs to calculate properties of a given state-space model, such as observability, detectability, controllability, stabilizability, similarity transformations, model balance, and system Grammians.
State Feedback Design VIsUse the State Feedback Design VIs to calculate controller and observer gains for closed-loop state feedback control or to estimate a state-space model. You also can use State Feedback Design VIs to configure and test state-space controllers and state estimators in time domains.
Stochastic Systems VIsUse the Stochastic Systems VIs to construct, manipulate, and analyze stochastic state-space system models.
Time Response VIsUse the Time Response VIs to create generic linear simulations and time domain plots for step inputs, impulse inputs, and initial condition responses.

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