Model Construction VIs
Owning Palette: Control Design VIs and Functions
Installed With: Control Design and Simulation Module. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.
Use the Model Construction VIs to create linear system models and modify the properties of a system model. You also can use the Model Construction VIs to save a system model to a file, read a system model from a file, or obtain a visual representation of a model.
The VIs on this palette can return general LabVIEW error codes or specific control design error codes.
Palette Object | Description |
CD Construct Filter Model | Constructs a digital filter model. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct Lead-Lag Controller | Constructs a phase-lead or a phase-lag controller model in transfer function form. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct PID Model | Constructs a PID model in transfer function form. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct Random Model | Creates a random model in state-space, transfer function, or zero-pole-gain representation. You can specify the sampling time, location of uncontrollable or unobservable states (for state-space), and location of poles and zeros in the different regions of the complex plane. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct Special TF Model | Creates commonly used transfer function models. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct State-Space Model | Creates a deterministic state-space representation of a system using the matrices A, B, C, and D, and the Sampling Time (s) You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct Transfer Function Model | Creates a transfer function representation of a system using the Sampling Time (s), Numerator, Denominator, and Delay. This VI also produces a transfer function model which specifies the data in symbolic form. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Construct Zero-Pole-Gain Model | Creates a zero-pole-gain representation of a system using the Zeros, Poles, Gain, Delay, and Sampling Time (s). This VI also produces a zero-pole-gain model which specifies the data in symbolic form. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Draw State-Space Equation | Displays the state-space equation of the State-Space Model. |
CD Draw Transfer Function Equation | Displays the transfer function equation of the model. The data type you wire to the State-Space Model input determines the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Draw Zero-Pole-Gain Equation | Displays the zero-pole-gain equation of the model. The data type you wire to the State-Space Model input determines the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Read Model from File | Opens a file the Write Model to File VI created and reads all the records in the file. Each record contains a separate model. To retrieve all records in the file, all the models must be in the same model representation. You must manually select the polymorphic instance to use. |
CD Write Model to File | Creates a new file or appends to an existing file, writes the specified number of records to the file, then closes the file and checks for errors. Each record is a model. The data type you wire to the State-Space Model input determines the polymorphic instance to use. |