Toolbar Menu


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Toolbar Menu

All of the Toolbar icons below have their own Tool Tip that is displayed when you hold your mouse over:


Add Enables the user to add a Data Connection, Data Container or a Data Expression
Delete Enables the user to delete their selection
Properties Displays context specific field properties
Refresh Refreshes on screen properties of the selected object
Copy Copies the selected object to the clipboard
Paste Paste an object from the clipboard into the selected object
Move to Moves a connection or a container
Check / Test Checks that the object will function correctly
Run This is the play or generate button, it generates the .cub file as well as runs the reports into Excel
Create PR0 file Creates a report viewer instance go be run off the computer desktop
History This keeps track of the run instance history
Help Launches the Sage Accpac Intelligence Help file
Export Cube Definition This allows you to generate cube definition file
Generate Scheduler Command This allows the generation of the cube file to be linked to a scheduler command