Terms and Definitions


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Terms and Definitions

OLAP OLAP stands for On Line Analytical Processing, and supports multi-dimensional analysis of information. It is the process of extracting information from a data source (this could be a transactional system, or a data warehouse), and compressing it into a format that is optimized for multi-dimensional analysis
DSN File used by various database client programs to connect to a database; describes properties, such as the data source name and directory, the connection driver, the server address, user ID, and a password; used by ODBC drivers to connect to a specified database, such as a SQL Server or Microsoft Access database.
Connector The Connector provides the facility to connect to all ODBC compliant data sources e.g., SQL Server, Oracle, Access, and Pervasive using a windows explorer look and feel for simple administration of all data connections.  All data containers are created in the Sage Accpac Intelligence Connector.
Report Manager The Report Manager provides access to the data as defined in the Sage Accpac Intelligence Connector, and empowers the user to customize their reports for Microsoft Excel.  Filters, Parameters and Aggregates can be added to your report, new reports can be created and reports can be organised in folders.
Analysis Module The Analysis Module allows the user to define dimensions and measures required and then create the .cub files, which will then become a data source within the Report Manager.  As the data remains static, the .cub file should be rebuilt daily to ensure that the data remains relevant.
Data Connection A Data Connection holds the relevant connection information to connect to a supported ODBC or OLEDB compliant Data Source. This Data Connection object is then used for all connections to this Data Source. By Adding a Data Connection the Administrator can make data available from this Data Source.
Data Container A Data Container is a set of data which is made available (published) by the Connector and allows users access to the data using the Report Manager. The source of this data can be a Database Table, View or Stored Procedure, or a custom Join based on two or more Tables/Views. Once you have configured data connections you will need to select your data containers which contain your source data.
Data Expression A Data Expression the administrator to choose the data fields (publish) from the Data Container(s) which are available through the Report Manager.
OLAP Cube An OLAP cube is a data structure that allows fast analysis of data providing the capability of manipulating and analyzing data from multiple perspectives.
Cube Dimensions The organized hierarchy of categories, known as levels, that is used to define the structure of a cube or data warehouse.
Cube Measures The raw data summarized and totaled. For example: On our Sales cube we would like to show the total sales value for our chosen dimension Sales.
.cub File Local Cubes (.cub file) A local cube is stored in a single, portable file that can be stored on both server and non-server computers. End users can browse local cubes without a connection to an Analysis server. Local cubes are the only variety of cube that provides this functionality
Cube Browser A Cube Browser is any application that allows users to query an OLAP cube. Sage Accpac Intelligence uses Microsoft Excel as its cube browser.