Home > Tutorials > Connector Tutorial > Add a Data Expression > Add Data Expressions to a Data Container
Add Data Expressions to a Data Container

Adding data expressions to the data container is the final step in completing the creation of a data connection. For our report we need access to all the fields in the one table and only one in the other.
What is a data expression?
A data expression is the selection from a data container. A data expression can be a:
Data Field
A single database field. For example, a field containing customer details such as surname or initials.
SQL Expression
Returns data from a field or combination of fields based on a SQL Expression.
Excel Formula
Returns data based on an Excel Function or formula.
Exercise One: Add data expressions to a container
Add all the fields available in the DocumentHeader table and only the customer name from the Customers table. Sample the data to ensure that the expressions are returning a result.
Use the help topics: Add Data Expression and Sample Data to assist you with this task.
Step-by-Step Solution
- Right-click on the data container Customer Documents.
- Select Add Expressions. The Choose Publish Fields dialog box is displayed.
- Check all the expressions from the DocumentHeader and the Name expression from the Customer Table.
- Click OK. The data expressions are displayed below the data container.