Bulk import


Home > Report Manager > Working with Reports > Advanced Importing and Exporting > Bulk import

Bulk Import

This operation allows for the bulk importation of new reports that are obtained either from newer versions of Sage Accpac Intelligence or from existing reports.

  • When doing a bulk import of new reports, current reports and settings are not deleted. The intention of bulk imports is to import new reports into the current metadata repository only and not modify current versions of reports and settings that were created and saved prior to the bulk import.


To run the bulk import :

  1. Open your Report Manager.
  2. Click Bulk Import/Update Reports either on the Tools menu or by right clicking on the Home icon in the Object window.
  3. You will need to place any .al_ files that will be bulk imported/updated into their relevant subfolders as per the instructions that appear within the ‘Bulk Import/Update Reports’ dialog form, if not a new folder will automatically be created in the Report Manager for the new imported reports.
  4. Once the files are in the correct location, click YES to proceed.   
  5. The new reports will be imported alongside any existing reports, if desired old reports may now be removed via the report manager.