Advanced settings: Filters


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Advanced Options - Filter Exercise

Filter Exercise

You have been requested to create a report that reflects the data for all current year documents. The current year is identified as a positive value in the Period field. Use the Add and Remove filters help file to assist you with this task.

Step 1: Create a copy of a report:

Make a copy of the Customer Documents History report and rename it Customer Documents History - Current Year

Step by Step Solution

  1. Right-click on the Customer Documents History report and click Copy.
  2. Right click on the Training folder and click Paste.
  3. Right-click on the new report and click Rename. (shortcut key – F2)
  4. Enter the name Customer Documents History - Current Year in the Rename dialog box and click on OK. The report is renamed.

Step 2: Set the Filter

Set a filter on the new report with the following details:

  • Field: Period
  • Comparison Method: Greater than or Equal To
  • Value: 1

Step by Step Solution

  1. Select the report.
  2. Click the Filter tab.
  3. Click the Add button on the right of the property window.
  4. From the Choose a Filter Field dialog box, click Period then click OK.
  5. From the Choose Comparison Method dialog box, click Greater than or Equal to then click OK.
  6. Enter 1 in the Comparison Value dialog box then click OK. The filter is displayed in the Filter window.

Step 3: Run the report

Run the report.

Step by Step Solution

  1. Click the Run button. The data is exported to Excel.
  2. Compare the output to the figure below to ensure that it is correct.

Step 4: Link the Excel report back to Sage Accpac Intelligence

Link the Excel report back to Sage Accpac Intelligence .

Step by Step Solution

  1. Select the Customer Documents History - Current Year report in the Report Manager.
  2. Click the Create and Link button.
  3. Select the Excel workbook containing the rendered data and click OK. The Replace dialog box is displayed.

    Note: As the report is a copy of a previously created report, you will need to either replace the existing template or create a new template based on the previous template.
  4. Leave the default name unchanged and click OK. The Excel workbook is converted to a template and linked to the report.
  5. Ensure the Report Manager is active for the next exercise.
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