Home > Tutorials > Report Manager Tutorial > Advanced Report Settings > Advanced settings: Filters
Advanced Options - Filter Exercise
Filter Exercise
You have been requested to create a report that reflects the data for all current year documents. The current year is identified as a positive value in the Period field. Use the Add and Remove filters help file to assist you with this task.
Step 1: Create a copy of a report:
Make a copy of the Customer Documents History report and rename it Customer Documents History - Current Year
Step by Step Solution
- Right-click on the Customer Documents History report and click Copy.
- Right click on the Training folder and click Paste.
- Right-click on the new report and click Rename. (shortcut key – F2)
- Enter the name Customer Documents History - Current Year in the Rename dialog box and click on OK. The report is renamed.
Step 2: Set the Filter
Set a filter on the new report with the following details:
- Field: Period
- Comparison Method: Greater than or Equal To
- Value: 1
Step by Step Solution
- Select the report.
- Click the Filter tab.
- Click the Add button on the right of the property window.
- From the Choose a Filter Field dialog box, click Period then click OK.
- From the Choose Comparison Method dialog box, click Greater than or Equal to then click OK.
- Enter 1 in the Comparison Value dialog box then click OK. The filter is displayed in the Filter window.
Step 3: Run the report
Run the report.
Step by Step Solution
- Click the Run button. The data is exported to Excel.
- Compare the output to the figure below to ensure that it is correct.
Step 4: Link the Excel report back to Sage Accpac Intelligence
Link the Excel report back to Sage Accpac Intelligence .
Step by Step Solution
- Select the Customer Documents History - Current Year report in the Report Manager.
- Click the Create and Link button.
Select the Excel workbook containing the rendered data and click OK. The Replace dialog box is displayed.
Note: As the report is a copy of a previously created report, you will need to either replace the existing template or create a new template based on the previous template. - Leave the default name unchanged and click OK. The Excel workbook is converted to a template and linked to the report.
- Ensure the Report Manager is active for the next exercise.