Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
▼DRIVERS | Driver Layer |
▼BSP | BSP Layer |
▼COMPONENTS | Components |
STSPIN230_Motor_Driver_handler | Handler for STSPIN230 Motor driver |
▼STSPIN230 | STSPIN230 driver section |
STSPIN230MotorDriver | API pointer for STSPIN230 |
EnableInput_CH1_E_CH2_E_CH3_D | Enable Input channel CH1 and CH2 for STSPIN230 |
EnableInput_CH1_E_CH2_D_CH3_E | Enable Input channel CH1 and CH3 for STSPIN230 |
EnableInput_CH1_D_CH2_E_CH3_E | Enable Input channel CH2 and CH3 for STSPIN230 |
DisableInput_CH1_D_CH2_D_CH3_D | Enable Input channel CH2 and CH3 for STSPIN230 |
Start_PWM_driving | Enable PWM channels for STSPIN230 |
Stop_PWM_driving | Disable PWM channels for STSPIN230 |
HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH1 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH1 |
HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH2 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH2 |
HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH3 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH3 |
Current_Reference_Start | Enable the Current Reference generation |
Current_Reference_Stop | Disable the Current Reference generation |
Current_Reference_Setvalue | Set the value for Current Reference |
▼X-NUCLEO-IHM11M1 | X-Nucleo expansion board |
STSPIN230_EnableInput_CH1_E_CH2_E_CH3_D | Enable Input channel for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_EnableInput_CH1_E_CH2_D_CH3_E | Enable Input channel for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_EnableInput_CH1_D_CH2_E_CH3_E | Enable Input channel for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_DisableInput_CH1_D_CH2_D_CH3_D | Disable All Input channels for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_Start_PWM_driving | Enable the PWM generation on Input channels for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_Stop_PWM_driving | Disable the PWM generation on Input channels for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH1 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH1 for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH2 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH2 for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH3 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH3 for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_Current_Reference_Start | Enable the Current Reference generation for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_Current_Reference_Stop | Disable the Current Reference generation for STSPIN230 |
STSPIN230_Current_Reference_Setvalue | Set the value for Current Reference for STSPIN230 |
BSP_X_NUCLEO_FAULT_LED_ON | Turns selected LED On |
BSP_X_NUCLEO_FAULT_LED_OFF | Turns selected LED Off |
▼MIDDLEWARES | Middlewares Layer |
▼MC_6-STEP_LIB | Motor Control driver |
Exported_types | |
Exported_function_6StepLib | |
MC_SixStep_TABLE | Set the peripherals (TIMx, GPIO etc.) for each step |
MC_SixStep_NEXT_step | Generate the next step number according with the direction (CW or CCW) |
MC_SixStep_RESET | Reset all variables used for 6Step control algorithm |
MC_SixStep_Ramp_Motor_calc | Calculate the acceleration profile step by step for motor during start-up |
MC_SixStep_ARR_step | Generate the ARR value for Low Frequency TIM during start-up |
MC_SixStep_Alignment | Generate the motor alignment |
MC_SixStep_Speed_Val_target_potentiometer | Calculate the Motor Speed validation threshold according with the potentiometer value |
MC_SixStep_Speed_Potentiometer | Calculate the potentiometer value to set the Motor Speed |
MC_Set_PI_param | Set all parameters for PI regulator |
MC_PI_Controller | Compute the PI output for the Current Reference |
MC_Task_Speed | Main task: Speed Loop with PI regulator |
MC_Set_Speed | Set the new motor speed value |
MC_Bemf_Delay | Take the delay time after each new 6-step commutation |
MC_StartMotor | Start the Motor |
MC_StopMotor | Stop the Motor |
MC_GetElSpeedHz | Get the Eletrical Motor Speed from ARR value of LF TIM |
MC_GetMechSpeedRPM | Get the Mechanical Motor Speed (RPM) |
MC_SixStep_Init_main_data | Init the main variables for motor driving from MC_SixStep_param.h |
MC_SixStep_INIT | Initialitation function for SixStep library |
MC_TIMx_SixStep_timebase | Low Frequency Timer Callback - Call the next step and request the filtered speed value |
MC_Speed_Filter | Calculate the speed filtered |
MC_Potentiometer_filter | Calculate the filtered potentiometer value |
MC_SysTick_SixStep_MediumFrequencyTask | Systick Callback - Call the Speed loop |
MC_SixStep_ARR_Bemf | Calculate the new Autoreload value (ARR) for Low Frequency timer |
MC_ADCx_SixStep_Bemf | Compute the zero crossing detection |
MC_EXT_button_SixStep | GPIO EXT Callback - Start or Stop the motor through the Blue push button on STM32Nucleo |
Main_Motor_parameters | All motor parameters for 6Step driving |
▼stm32F401_nucleo_ihm11m1 | Interface file for STM32F401 and Motor Control Library configuration |
MC_SixStep_ADC_Channel | Select the new ADC Channel |
MC_SixStep_Nucleo_Init | Init the STM32 register |
START_DAC | Start DAC for debug |
STOP_DAC | Stop DAC for debug |
SET_DAC_value | Set DAC value for debug |
HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback | ADC callback |
HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback | Htim callback |
HAL_SYSTICK_Callback | Systick callback |
HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback | EXT callback |
EnableInput_CH1_E_CH2_E_CH3_D | Enable Input channel CH1 and CH2 for STSPIN230 |
EnableInput_CH1_E_CH2_D_CH3_E | Enable Input channel CH1 and CH3 for STSPIN230 |
EnableInput_CH1_D_CH2_E_CH3_E | Enable Input channel CH2 and CH3 for STSPIN230 |
DisableInput_CH1_D_CH2_D_CH3_D | Enable Input channel CH2 and CH3 for STSPIN230 |
Start_PWM_driving | Enable PWM channels for STSPIN230 |
Stop_PWM_driving | Disable PWM channels for STSPIN230 |
HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH1 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH1 |
HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH2 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH2 |
HF_TIMx_SetDutyCycle_CH3 | Set the Duty Cycle value for CH3 |
Current_Reference_Start | Enable the Current Reference generation |
Current_Reference_Stop | Disable the Current Reference generation |
Current_Reference_Setvalue | Set the value for Current Reference |
Bemf_delay_calc | Bemf delay calculation |
Get_UART_data | Get the UART value from DR register |
Exported_function_F401 | |
▼UART_UI | Serial communication through PC serial terminal |
Exported_function_Uart |
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