Tools Menu


SecureCRT Icon  Tools Menu

This topic lists the options available on the Tools menu.

Opens the Keymap Editor.


Opens the Key Generation wizard.

Converts a VanDyke generated private key to OpenSSH format so that it can be used for authentication with other SSH2 clients. You will be prompted for the key to convert and where to save the converted key.

Exports the public key from an X.509 certificate. You will be prompted for the certificate to use and where to save the public key. After the public key has been exported, you will need to complete these instructions in order to use it.

Opens the Public-Key Assistant dialog, allowing you to manage your public keys on remote servers.

This option is only available when you are using the SSH2 The second version of the SSH protocol which provides a way to encrypt network traffic between a client and a server, with a slightly different set of security features than the SSH1 protocol provides. protocol. Also note that not all remote systems support the public-key assistant subsystem.


Opens the Manage Agent Keys dialog which allows you to add keys to and remove keys from the list of accepted agent keys.