Global Options/SSH Host Keys


The SSH Host Keys category of the Global Options dialog allows you to manage your host keys. SecureCRT provides support for viewing, importing, exporting and deleting host keys.

Accepted host keys

This list displays your host keys by Host (hostname and IP address) and Port. You can also select one of the existing host keys from the list and view, export, or delete it by pressing the appropriate button.

View Key...

Press this button to view the selected host key in textual format.

Import Key...

Press this button to import a new host key file.

Export Key...

Press this button to create a text file of the selected host key that is suitable for sending to server A computer program that provides services to other computer programs (called clients). Often the computer on which a server program runs is also called a server. The term host is often used as a synonym for server. administrators and others.


Press this button to remove the selected host key from the list and delete the host key file from your system.

Host key database location

This entry box displays and allows you to change the location of the host key database.

X.509 Host Keys

SecureCRT supports automatic acceptance of X.509 host keys. This means that if the following conditions are met, the host key will be accepted without prompting the user.  

Before accepting a certificate, SecureCRT checks to ensure the following conditions:

1.   The hostname to which you are connecting matches the common name part of the subject name of the certificate.

2.   The current date is between the start and end validity dates of the certificate.

3.   The certificate chains to a trusted root certificate (anchor) installed in the Microsoft CAPI store.

4.   If the Check certificate revocation lists option below has been checked, SecureCRT checks to ensure that the certificate (and any in its chain) have not been listed as revoked in a certificate revocation list (CRL) installed in the Microsoft CAPI store.

Digital certificates group

Check certificate revocation lists

Check this option to have SecureCRT check the certificate revocation lists before accepting a host key.