This topic lists the options available on the Edit menu.
Copies selected text from the SecureCRT session A session is a set of options that are assigned to a connection to a remote machine. These settings and options are saved under a session name and allow the user to have different preferences for different hosts. window to the Windows Clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard to the session window at the point of the text cursor
Copies selected text from the SecureCRT session window and pastes it at the location of the text cursor.
Pastes text from the Windows Clipboard prefaced by the quotation character (usually ">").
Selects all the text in the active session window including text in the scrollback buffer.
Opens the Find dialog which lets you search the text in a session window and scrollback buffer. for a specific character string.
Sends the text selected in the session window to the printer. You can
also do this by clicking on the Print Selection button located on the
SecureCRT toolbar.
This menu item reads Go to Session Window when the chat window is displayed and has focus. When selected it causes the focus to go to the session window.
When the chat window is displayed and focus is in the session window, this menu item reads Go to Chat Window and selecting it causes the focus to go to the chat window.
Clears the scrollback buffer.
Clears the session window.
Clears both the session window and the scrollback buffer.
You can also automatically clear the session window when you disconnect To close a Telnet or other type of communication connection between a client and a server. from a remote machine by checking the Clear on disconnect option in the Session Options/Terminal dialog
Sends a Telnet break to the session.
Resets SecureCRT the terminal A device usually consisting of a keyboard, a display unit such as a cathode ray tube, and a serial port used for entering and sending data to a computer and displaying any data received from the computer. Terminals are usually connected to a computer with a serial line or some other type of connection. There are many terminal types including VT100, VT102, VT220, and others. emulator. This option is useful for clearing incidental display abnormalities (e.g., accidental display of binary data).