The Toolbar


The SecureCRT toolbar is user-manageable in that the user can toggle its display on or off. When enabled, the toolbar appears below the SecureCRT menu bar. Move the mouse cursor over a toolbar button to view its associated action. The toolbar is enabled by default. The toolbar can be customized to suit the preferences and needs of the user.

The table below depicts the toolbar buttons and their associated tasks.




Connect: Opens the Connect dialog

The Connect Button

Connect (Connect dialog button):  Connects to selected session A session is a set of options that are assigned to a connection to a remote machine. These settings and options are saved under a session name and allow the user to have different preferences for different hosts.

The Quick Connect Button

Quick Connect: Brings up the Quick Connect dialog

Connect in Tab/Tile: Opens the Connect in Tab/Tile dialog


New Session (Connect dialog button): Opens the Session Options dialog for a new session


Reconnect: Reconnects last connection A data path or circuit between two computers over a phone line, network cable, or other means.

The Disconnect Button

Disconnect To close a Telnet or other type of communication connection between a client and a server. : Closes the current connection

Connect Bar: Allows you to enter and open a session in a new tab or window.

The Copy Button

Copy: Copies the selected text to the Clipboard

The Paste Button

Paste: Pastes the contents of the Clipboard

The Find Button

Find: Searches the contents of the scrollback buffer and terminal A device usually consisting of a keyboard, a display unit such as a cathode ray tube, and a serial port used for entering and sending data to a computer and displaying any data received from the computer. Terminals are usually connected to a computer with a serial line or some other type of connection. There are many terminal types including VT100, VT102, VT220, and others. screen for a given string

The Print Screen Button

Print Screen: Prints the text currently displayed in the terminal window

The Print Selection Button

Print Selection: Prints the selected text

The Auto Print Button

Auto Print: Toggles Auto Print on or off

The Properties Button

Properties: Brings up the Session Options dialog

The Keymap Editor Button

Keymap Editor: Invokes the Keymap Editor


Public-Key Assistant: Opens the Public-Key Assistant dialog

The Help Button

Help: Invokes the online help manual


SecureFX: Starts VanDyke Software's SecureFX® (if the program is installed)