Options Menu


This topic lists the options available on the Options menu.

Session Options...

Opens the Session Options dialog.

Global Options

Opens the Global Options dialog.


When you start SecureCRT, the program retrieves your global and session A session is a set of options that are assigned to a connection to a remote machine. These settings and options are saved under a session name and allow the user to have different preferences for different hosts. option settings from an initialization file. While you are running SecureCRT, you can make changes to your settings, but these changes will be lost when you close SecureCRT unless you save your changes to the initialization file using the Save Settings Now command and/or the Auto Save Options command.

Auto Save Options

Automatically saves changes that you make in the Global Options dialog or Session Options dialog to the initialization file when you click on the OK button on the dialog.

If this option is off (unchecked), changes made to your global or session options will be lost when you close SecureCRT unless you have saved the settings using the Save Settings Now command.

Note: When the Auto Save Options command is being used by more than one instance of SecureCRT, the settings of the last instance to be closed will be the settings saved to the initialization file.

Save Settings Now

Saves your current global and session option settings to the initialization file. These settings will then be the ones retrieved the next time you start SecureCRT.