Dialog Object




The Dialog object provides access to simple user-interface features provided by SecureCRT.






SecureCRT's Dialog object is accessed through the top-level object’s Dialog property.


Dialog Object Methods










Display a file browse dialog from which the user can select a single file.


If the defaultFilename parameter is simply a filename (no path provided), the file dialog browser will open in current working directory. If the defaultFilename parameter specifies an absolute path to a file, the file dialog browser will open in the parent directory of the file. The filename filter is in the following format:

<Name of Filter> (*.<extension>)|*.<extension>||

For example:

Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||


Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|Log File (*.log)|*.log||

The FileOpenDialog method returns the path to the selected file.




crt.Dialog.FileOpenDialog([title, [buttonLabel, [defaultFilename, [filter ]]]])


' Browse for a file of any type

filePath = crt.Dialog.FileOpenDialog("Please select a file")


' Browse for only .txt files

filePath = crt.Dialog.FileOpenDialog("Please select a text file", "Open", "", "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||")




crt.Dialog.FileOpenDialog([title, [buttonLabel, [defaultFilename, [filter ]]]])


# Browse for a file of any type

filePath = crt.Dialog.FileOpenDialog(title="Please select a file")


# Browse for only .txt files

filePath = crt.Dialog.FileOpenDialog(title="Please select a text file", filter="Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||")




Display a message


The MessageBox function displays a message string to the user. The optional title string sets the title or caption of the MessageBox. The buttons that appear on the MessageBox can be configured by passing a combination of numeric values in the optional ‘buttons’ parameter. By default MessageBox will display the message string with an OK button. However, many possibilities exist for displaying message boxes with different icons, and buttons.

The MessageBox function returns a numeric value that can be used to identify which button was clicked.



crt.Dialog.MessageBox(message [, title [, buttons]])


The following code sample defines the constants that can be combined to form the "button" parameter as well as the possible numeric return values:

' button parameter options

Const ICON_STOP = 16                 ' display the ERROR/STOP icon.

Const ICON_QUESTION = 32             ' display the '?' icon

Const ICON_WARN = 48                 ' display a '!' icon.

Const ICON_INFO= 64                  ' displays "info" icon.


Const BUTTON_OK = 0                  ' OK button only

Const BUTTON_CANCEL = 1              ' OK and Cancel buttons

Const BUTTON_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2    ' Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons

Const BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL = 3         ' Yes, No, and Cancel buttons

Const BUTTON_YESNO = 4               ' Yes and No buttons

Const BUTTON_RETRYCANCEL = 5         ' Retry and Cancel buttons


Const DEFBUTTON1 = 0        ' First button is default

Const DEFBUTTON2 = 256      ' Second button is default

Const DEFBUTTON3 = 512      ' Third button is default


' Possible MessageBox() return values

Const IDOK = 1              ' OK button clicked

Const IDCANCEL = 2          ' Cancel button clicked

Const IDABORT = 3           ' Abort button clicked

Const IDRETRY = 4           ' Retry button clicked

Const IDIGNORE = 5          ' Ignore button clicked

Const IDYES = 6             ' Yes button clicked

Const IDNO = 7              ' No button clicked


' Display a messagebox with Yes/No buttons.

' Make the 'No' button the default.

result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Login Failed, Retry?", "Error", ICON_QUESTION Or BUTTON_YESNO Or DEFBUTTON2 )

If result = IDNO Then

    Exit Sub

End If



crt.Dialog.MessageBox(message [, title [, buttons]])


The following code sample defines the constants that can be combined to form the "button" parameter as well as the possible numeric return values:

# button parameter options

ICON_STOP = 16                 # display the ERROR/STOP icon.

ICON_QUESTION = 32             # display the '?' icon

ICON_WARN = 48                 # display a '!' icon.

ICON_INFO= 64                  # displays "info" icon.


BUTTON_OK = 0                  # OK button only

BUTTON_CANCEL = 1              # OK and Cancel buttons

BUTTON_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2    # Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons

BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL = 3         # Yes, No, and Cancel buttons

BUTTON_YESNO = 4               # Yes and No buttons

BUTTON_RETRYCANCEL = 5         # Retry and Cancel buttons


DEFBUTTON1 = 0        # First button is default

DEFBUTTON2 = 256      # Second button is default

DEFBUTTON3 = 512      # Third button is default


# Possible MessageBox() return values

IDOK = 1              # OK button clicked

IDCANCEL = 2          # Cancel button clicked

IDABORT = 3           # Abort button clicked

IDRETRY = 4           # Retry button clicked

IDIGNORE = 5          # Ignore button clicked

IDYES = 6             # Yes button clicked

IDNO = 7              # No button clicked


# Display a messagebox with Yes/No buttons.

# Make the 'No' button the default.

result = crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Login Failed, Retry?", "Error", ICON_QUESTION | BUTTON_YESNO | DEFBUTTON2 )

if result == IDNO:





Prompt a user to enter a string.


The Prompt function displays a simple dialog that has message and an edit field for the user to enter a string. The message parameter is an informational string displayed in the prompt dialog. Optionally the title of the prompt dialog may be set by passing a title string. By default the edit field is empty, but the initial contents of the edit field may be set with the optional default string. Finally, if the text entered in the edit field is to be obscured as it is entered (such as when entering a password) then the Boolean isPassword field should be set to True.

If the user clicks OK, Prompt returns the entered string; whereas, if the user clicks Cancel, Prompt returns an empty string.



crt.Dialog.Prompt(message [, title [, default [, isPassword ]]])


Dim pass

    pass = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Enter your password:", "Logon Script", "", True)

    If pass = "" Then

      ' User clicked Cancel button


      ' User added data

    End If



crt.Dialog.Prompt(message [, title [, default [, isPassword ]]])


password = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Enter your password:", "Logon Script", "", True)

if password == "":

  # User clicked Cancel button


  # User added data