Global Options/General/Default Session


The General/Default Session category of the Global Options dialog allows you to configure SecureCRT to automatically connect to a session A session is a set of options that are assigned to a connection to a remote machine. These settings and options are saved under a session name and allow the user to have different preferences for different hosts. on startup and it also allows you to configure the SecureCRT default session which is used as the template for all new sessions.

Auto session setup group

This group contains configuration options for automatically connecting to sessions on startup.

Do not connect automatically on startup

Check this option to instruct SecureCRT not to automatically connect when the application starts.

Remember and connect to sessions from last use

Check this option to instruct SecureCRT to remember the sessions used during the last time SecureCRT was used and to connect to those sessions the next time the application is used.

Use auto session

Check this option to automatically connect to one or more sessions when SecureCRT starts. The window below this option displays the sessions configured to connect on startup. You can add or delete sessions using the Add... and Delete buttons.

Edit default settings group

SecureCRT maintains an internal session that is used whenever a new session is being created or when a session has not been specified for a connection A data path or circuit between two computers over a phone line, network cable, or other means. . This internal session is known as the "Default" session. For example, when using Quick Connect or when starting SecureCRT from the command line with no session argument, SecureCRT uses the settings specified in the Default session to make the connection requested.

Edit Default Settings

Press this button to open the Session Options - Default dialog for the default session. In this dialog, you can customize the settings in any category. When you have finished making your changes, click on the OK button and the Apply default session changes dialog is displayed.

The Apply default session changes dialog allows you to choose between Change the Default session only (this is the same behavior provided by the No option in previous versions) and Change ALL sessions (no undo) (this is the same behavior provided by the Yes option in previous versions). The dialog also includes a WARNING that there is no UNDO for this change.