Session Options/Connection/FTP/SSL Options


This category only appears if VanDyke Software's SecureFX® 3.0 (or newer) is also installed.

The FTP/SSL Options category of the Session Options dialog allows you to control attributes of FTP/SSL connections. The FTP/SSL Options category only appears when you have selected FTP/SSL as your Protocol.

Certificate group

SecureFX supports generating and using self-signed certificates, which allows mutual authentication.

Use global certificate

Checking this option instructs SecureFX to use the certificate specified in the Global Options / File Transfer / SSL dialog for this session.


If you choose not to use the global certificate for this session, enter the path of the certificate you want SecureFX to use when authenticating.


Press this button to configure and generate a new certificate.

Advanced group

Disable certificate validation

Select this option to discontinue checking the validity of X.509 certificates.

WARNING: While selecting this option may speed up your connection time, it may leave you vulnerable to invalid certificates.

Use CCC (Clear Command Channel) after authentication

This option tells SecureFX to transmit data over the control channel in an unencrypted form (i.e., clear text) after authentication. It may be necessary to enable this option when the local client machine is behind a firewall.

Use unencrypted data channel

This option tells SecureFX to transmit data over the data channel in an unencrypted form (i.e., clear text). The control channel, however, will remain encrypted even when this option has been turned on.

WARNING: The above options should only be used when absolutely necessary because selecting either of the above options will result in data being transmitted as clear text.