Locking a Session


Sessions can be locked or unlocked by selecting the Lock/Unlock Session option on the File menu. When this option is selected, the Lock Session or Unlock Session dialog appears, as appropriate, allowing you to assign a password and lock the session, or give the original password to unlock the session. The Lock Session or Unlock Session dialogs also allow you to lock or unlock all sessions simultaneously using a single password.

When a session is locked, actions that would affect the session are disallowed, including the following:

    Keyboard input

    Starting and canceling scripts

    Disconnecting and reconnecting the session

    Starting a file transfer

    Closing the session

    Editing the session options

Scripts that are started before a session is locked will continue to run, but can only access their own session and any unlocked sessions. This means that a script that is running in one session cannot access a different tab that is locked.

A MENU_TAB_LOCK menu function is available for use in custom keymaps, toolbars, and the user button bar.