PhysX SDK 3.2 API Reference: Vehicle

PhysX SDK 3.2 API



class  PxVehicleChassisData
class  PxVehicleEngineData
class  PxVehicleGearsData
class  PxVehicleAutoBoxData
class  PxVehicleDifferential4WData
class  PxVehicleAckermannGeometryData
class  PxVehicleClutchData
class  PxVehicleTireLoadFilterData
 Tire load can be strongly dependent on the timestep so it is a good idea to filter it to give less jerky handling behavior. The filtered tire load is used as an input to the tire model. More...
class  PxVehicleWheelData
class  PxVehicleSuspensionData
class  PxVehicleTireData
class  PxVehicleDriveSimData
 Data structure describing non-wheel configuration data of a vehicle that has engine, gears, clutch, and auto-box. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveDynData
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data for vehicle with engine, clutch, gears, autobox. More...
class  PxVehicleDrive
 A complete vehicle with instance dynamics data and configuration data for wheels and engine,clutch,gears,autobox. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveSimData4W
 Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels,. More...
class  PxVehicleDrive4W
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveTank
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a tank. More...
class  PxVehicleTireForceCalculator
 Structure containing shader data for each tire of a vehicle and a shader function that computes individual tire forces. More...
struct  PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceType
 Driving surface type. More...
class  PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs
 Friction for each combination of driving surface type and tire type. More...
struct  PxVehicleKeySmoothingData
 Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from key inputs. More...
struct  PxVehiclePadSmoothingData
 Used to produce smooth analog vehicle control values from analog inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData
 Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData
 Used to produce smooth analog tank control values from analog inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleWheelsSimData
 Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to 20 wheels,. More...
class  PxVehicleWheelsDynData
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data for wheels. More...
class  PxVehicleWheels
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with just wheels. More...


#define PX_MAX_NUM_WHEELS   (20)
 Maximum number of wheel shapes allowed to be added to the actor.
#define PX_DEBUG_VEHICLE_ON   (1)
 Compiler setting to enable recording of telemetry data.


typedef void(* PxVehicleComputeTireForce )(const void *shaderData, const PxF32 tireFriction, const PxF32 longSlip, const PxF32 latSlip, const PxF32 camber, const PxF32 wheelOmega, const PxF32 wheelRadius, const PxF32 recipWheelRadius, const PxF32 restTireLoad, const PxF32 normalisedTireLoad, const PxF32 tireLoad, const PxF32 gravity, const PxF32 recipGravity, PxF32 &wheelTorque, PxF32 &tireLongForceMag, PxF32 &tireLatForceMag, PxF32 &tireAlignMoment)
 Prototype of shader function that computes wheel torque and tire forces.


enum  eVehicleDriveTypes {


 PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (0==(sizeof(PxVehicleChassisData)&0x0f))
PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxInitVehicleSDK (PxPhysics &physics)
 Call this before using any of the vehicle functions.
PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxCloseVehicleSDK ()
 Shut down the PhysXVehicle library.
void PxVehicleSetBasisVectors (const PxVec3 &up, const PxVec3 &forward)
 Set the basis vectors of the vehicle simulation.
void PxVehicleComputeTireForceDefault (const void *shaderData, const PxF32 tireFriction, const PxF32 longSlip, const PxF32 latSlip, const PxF32 camber, const PxF32 wheelOmega, const PxF32 wheelRadius, const PxF32 recipWheelRadius, const PxF32 restTireLoad, const PxF32 normalisedTireLoad, const PxF32 tireLoad, const PxF32 gravity, const PxF32 recipGravity, PxF32 &wheelTorque, PxF32 &tireLongForceMag, PxF32 &tireLatForceMag, PxF32 &tireAlignMoment)
 Default implementation of PxVehicleComputeTireForce.
void PxVehicleSuspensionRaycasts (PxBatchQuery *batchQuery, const PxU32 numVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, const PxU32 numSceneQueryResults, PxRaycastQueryResult *sceneQueryResults)
 Start raycasts of all suspension lines.
void PxVehicleUpdates (const PxReal timestep, const PxVec3 &gravity, const PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs &vehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs, const PxU32 numVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles)
 Update an array of vehicles.
void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData &keySmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDrive4W &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values (accel,brake,handbrake,steer) from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData &padSmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDrive4W &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData &padSmoothing, const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDriveTank &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from digital inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData &padSmoothing, const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDriveTank &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicle4WEnable3WTadpoleMode (PxVehicleWheelsSimData &suspWheelTireData, PxVehicleDriveSimData4W &coreData)
 Enable 4W vehicle sim data as a 3W car with tadpole config (2 front wheels, 1 rear wheel).
void PxVehicle4WEnable3WDeltaMode (PxVehicleWheelsSimData &suspWheelTireData, PxVehicleDriveSimData4W &coreData)
 Enable as a vehicle with 3 driven wheels with delta config (1 front wheel, 2 rear wheels).

Define Documentation

#define PX_DEBUG_VEHICLE_ON   (1)

Compiler setting to enable recording of telemetry data.

See also:
PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData, PxVehicleTelemetryData

#define PX_MAX_NUM_WHEELS   (20)

Maximum number of wheel shapes allowed to be added to the actor.

This number is also the maximum number of wheels allowed for a vehicle.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* PxVehicleComputeTireForce)(const void *shaderData, const PxF32 tireFriction, const PxF32 longSlip, const PxF32 latSlip, const PxF32 camber, const PxF32 wheelOmega, const PxF32 wheelRadius, const PxF32 recipWheelRadius, const PxF32 restTireLoad, const PxF32 normalisedTireLoad, const PxF32 tireLoad, const PxF32 gravity, const PxF32 recipGravity, PxF32 &wheelTorque, PxF32 &tireLongForceMag, PxF32 &tireLatForceMag, PxF32 &tireAlignMoment)

Prototype of shader function that computes wheel torque and tire forces.

Default implementation is PxVehicleComputeTireForceDefault. shaderData - shader data for the tire being processed (see PxVehicleTireForceCalculator). tireFriction - friction value of the tire contact. longSlip - longitudinal slip of the tire. latSlip - lateral slip of the tire. camber - camber angle of the tire. wheelOmega - rotational speed of the wheel. wheelRadius - the distance from the tire surface and the center of the wheel. recipWheelRadius - the reciprocal of wheelRadius. restTireLoad - the load force experienced by the tire when the vehicle is at rest. normalisedTireLoad - a value equal to the load force on the tire divided by the restTireLoad. tireLoad - the load force currently experienced by the tire. gravity - magnitude of gravitational acceleration. recipGravity - the reciprocal of the magnitude of gravitational acceleration. wheelTorque - the torque to be applied to the wheel around the wheel axle. tireLongForceMag - the magnitude of the longitudinal tire force to be applied to the vehicle's rigid body. tireLatForceMag - the magnitude of the lateral tire force to be applied to the vehicle's rigid body. tireAlignMoment - the aligning moment of the tire that is to be applied to the vehicle's rigid body (not currently used).

See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation

See also:
PxVehicleDrive4W, PxVehicleDriveTank, PxVehicleWheels::getVehicleType

Function Documentation

PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT ( = =(sizeof(PxVehicleChassisData)&0x0f)  ) 

PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxCloseVehicleSDK (  ) 

Shut down the PhysXVehicle library.

This function should be called to cleanly shut down the PhysXVehicle library before the PxPhysics SDK gets released.

See also:

PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxInitVehicleSDK ( PxPhysics physics  ) 

Call this before using any of the vehicle functions.

See also:

void PxVehicle4WEnable3WDeltaMode ( PxVehicleWheelsSimData suspWheelTireData,
PxVehicleDriveSimData4W coreData 

Enable as a vehicle with 3 driven wheels with delta config (1 front wheel, 2 rear wheels).

The front-left wheel is removed and the front-right wheel is positioned at the centre of the front axle. The suspension of the front-right wheel is modified to support the entire mass of the front car while preserving its natural frequency and damping ratio.

void PxVehicle4WEnable3WTadpoleMode ( PxVehicleWheelsSimData suspWheelTireData,
PxVehicleDriveSimData4W coreData 

Enable 4W vehicle sim data as a 3W car with tadpole config (2 front wheels, 1 rear wheel).

The rear-left wheel is removed and the rear-right wheel is positioned at the centre of the rear axle. The suspension of the rear-right wheel is modified to support the entire mass of the front car while preserving its natural frequency and damping ratio.

void PxVehicleComputeTireForceDefault ( const void *  shaderData,
const PxF32  tireFriction,
const PxF32  longSlip,
const PxF32  latSlip,
const PxF32  camber,
const PxF32  wheelOmega,
const PxF32  wheelRadius,
const PxF32  recipWheelRadius,
const PxF32  restTireLoad,
const PxF32  normalisedTireLoad,
const PxF32  tireLoad,
const PxF32  gravity,
const PxF32  recipGravity,
PxF32 wheelTorque,
PxF32 tireLongForceMag,
PxF32 tireLatForceMag,
PxF32 tireAlignMoment 

Default implementation of PxVehicleComputeTireForce.

See also:
PxVehicleComputeTireForce, PxVehicleTireForceCalculator

void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData padSmoothing,
const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &  steerVsForwardSpeedTable,
const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
PxVehicleDrive4W focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData keySmoothing,
const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &  steerVsForwardSpeedTable,
const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
PxVehicleDrive4W focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values (accel,brake,handbrake,steer) from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData padSmoothing,
const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
PxVehicleDriveTank focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData padSmoothing,
const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
PxVehicleDriveTank focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from digital inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

void PxVehicleSetBasisVectors ( const PxVec3 up,
const PxVec3 forward 

Set the basis vectors of the vehicle simulation.

Default values PxVec3(0,1,0), PxVec3(0,0,1)

Call this function before using PxVehicleUpdates unless the default values are correct.

void PxVehicleSuspensionRaycasts ( PxBatchQuery batchQuery,
const PxU32  numVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles,
const PxU32  numSceneQueryResults,
PxRaycastQueryResult sceneQueryResults 

Start raycasts of all suspension lines.

numSceneQueryResults specifies the size of the sceneQueryResults array. numVehicles is the number of vehicles in the vehicles array. numSceneQueryResults must be greater than or equal to the total number of wheels of all the vehicles in the vehicles array; that is, sceneQueryResults must have dimensions large enough for one raycast per wheel.

void PxVehicleUpdates ( const PxReal  timestep,
const PxVec3 gravity,
const PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs vehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs,
const PxU32  numVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles 

Update an array of vehicles.

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