GeneticProgramming Class

Fight Game AI Demo

GeneticProgramming Class
Genetic programming Class. created by Steven Mcvey
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  FightGameAIDemo.GPGeneticProgramming

Namespace: FightGameAIDemo.GP
Assembly: FightGameAIDemo (in FightGameAIDemo.exe) Version: (
public class GeneticProgramming

The GeneticProgramming type exposes the following members.

Public methodGeneticProgramming
Initializes a new instance of the GeneticProgramming class.
Public methodGeneticProgramming(GameWorld, AIFighter, NonAIFighter, Int32, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the GeneticProgramming class.
Public propertyClose
Sets a value indicating whether the distance of this NonAIFighter is close.
Public propertyCrouched
Sets a value indicating whether the distance of this NonAIFighter is crouched.
Public propertyFar
Sets a value indicating whether the distance of this NonAIFighter is far.
Public propertyGeneration
Gets or sets the generation.
Public propertyGrownProgram
Gets or sets the grown program.
Public propertyMedium
Sets a value indicating whether the distance of this NonAIFighter is medium.
Public propertyPopulation_size
Gets or sets the population_size.
Public propertyTorniment_size
Gets or sets the torniment_size.
Public methodcrossover_subtree
Crossover_subtrees the specified parent1.
Public methodDraw_tree
Draw_trees the specified input.
Public methodevolve
Evolves the mating pool of this instance.
Public methodfitness_function
Fitness functions gives a tree its fitness rating.
Public methodGen_SubTree
Generates the sub tree.
Public methodGetInterpTree
Gets the interp tree.
Public methodGrow
Grows this instance.
Public methodmutation_bit_flip
Mutation using bit flit the specified program.
Public methodparser
Parsers the specified input.
Public methodselection_torniment
Selection_torniments the specified torniment_size.
Public methodsetup
Setups this instance.
Public methodsub_tree_or_node_selection
Sub_tree_or_node_selection from the specified parent.
Public methodtree_traverse
Tree_traverses the specified parent.
Private fieldAI
The AI
Private fieldclose
The close
Private fieldcrouched
The crouched
Private fieldStatic memberEnd
The is crouched node byte
Private fieldfar
The far
Private fieldFunctional_set_End
The functional set end
Private fieldFunctional_set_Start
The functional set start
Private fieldGenCounter
The generation counter
Private fieldgeneration
The generation list of indeviduals
Private fieldgeneration_Size
The generation size
Private fieldgrow_prog
The grow prog list to tempererly hold the tree while it grows
Private fieldgrown_program
The grown program once it has grown collected from grow_prog
Private fieldgw
the Game World
Public fieldinterp_tree
The interpreted tree
Public fieldinterp_tree_builder
The interpreted tree builder
Private fieldStatic memberisClose
The is crouched node byte
Private fieldStatic memberisCrouched
The is crouched node byte
Private fieldStatic memberisFar
The is crouched node byte
Private fieldStatic memberisMedium
The is crouched node byte
Private fieldStatic memberKick
The punch node byte
Private fieldmating_pool
The mating pool to be used in generating next generation of trees
Private fieldMax_Depth
The max depth allowed for the tree being generated
Private fieldmedium
The medium
Private fieldNAI
The non-AI
Private fieldPC
Private fieldpopulation_Size
The population size
Private fieldProgram
The program
Private fieldStatic memberPunch
The punch node byte
Private fieldStatic memberRoot_Node
The root node
Private fieldStatic memberSpecial
The punch node byte
Private fieldTerminal_set_End
The terminal set end
Private fieldTerminal_set_Start
The terminal set start
Private fieldtorniment_size
The torniment size
Private fieldTree_Depth
The tree depth
Private fieldtreeCounter
The tree counter
See Also