Verifying a microcontroller's memory contents and option settings

ST Visual Programmer


Verifying a microcontroller's memory contents and option settings

Verifying a ST microcontroller's memory and option settings means checking that its Program memory, Data memory and Option byte settings are the same as those displayed in the STVP Display area.

To verify a ST microcontroller's memory and option settings:

  1. Make sure that the ST microcontroller is plugged into the programming socket.
  2. Make sure that STVP is correctly configured for the ST microcontroller by following the instructions given in Configuring ST Visual Programmer.
  3. Make sure the file you want to verify is loaded in the STVP main window.
  4. To verify all memory contents, click on All tabs in the Verify menu (or press the alt button).
  5. To verify an individual memory area click the appropriate tab at the bottom of the main window, then click on Current tab in the Verify menu (or press the alt button).
  6. GENERATE/SQUAR_SM.gif      To verify a selected area of the ST microcontroller's memory click the appropriate tab at the bottom of the main window, then click on Address Range... in the Verify menu (or press the alt button).

    GENERATE/SQUAR_SM.gif      To verify selected sectors of FLASH memory click the appropriate tab at the bottom of the main window, then click on Active sector(s) in the Verify menu (or press the alt button).

    Any discrepancies are reported in the Output window.

    TIP: Press the ESC key to abort verifying device process.


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