Introduction to ST Visual Programmer

ST Visual Programmer


Introduction to ST Visual Programmer (STVP)

STVP is a Windows interface that lets you:

GENERATE/DOT_S695.gif      View, edit and save executable files in the Hex (Intel) and .S19 (Motorola) formats, generated by the Assembler, Linker or C Compiler for ST microcontrollers.

GENERATE/DOT_S695.gif      Blank Check EPROM or FLASH contents of ST microcontrollers.

GENERATE/DOT_S695.gif      Program EPROM/EEPROM/FLASH/Option Byte of ST microcontrollers.

GENERATE/DOT_S695.gif      Erase FLASH ST microcontrollers.

GENERATE/DOT_S695.gif      View and verify a ST microcontroller's memory contents.

STVP is the user interface for ST EPROM Programming Boards (EPBs) and ST Development Kits (DVPs) . It is installed on a PC running Windows® 98, Millennium®, 2000®, NT®, XP® or Vista®, connected to the EPB or DVP.

Two methods can be used to program ST microcontrollers with STVP: you can either create a project that defines the programming environment and procedure to follow, or load data from the master device and then program it.

We recommend that you use projects, since they provide you with greater control over the programming procedure.


1: STVP configures itself in order to display only the existing memory area for each device.
2: Under Windows® NT®4, 2000®, XP® and Vista®, during installation of STVP, PARSTM driver version is checked and compared to the one installed on the PC: if PARSTM driver is not installed or PARSTM driver version is less than 1.5, it will be installed.

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