Data formatting functions

OllyDbg Plugin API

Data formatting functions

This group of functions converts binary data, like address, floating number or character to ASCII text. Functions IstextA and IstextW check whether ASCII or UNICODE character can be a part of string. Isretaddr checks whether address is a possible return address.

int Decodeaddress(ulong addr,ulong base,int addrmode,char *symb,int nsymb,char *comment);

int Decoderelativeoffset(ulong addr,int addrmode,char *symb,int nsymb);

int Decoderange(ulong addr,ulong size,char *s);

int Decodecharacter(char *s,uint c);

int Decodeascii(ulong addr,char *s,int len,int mode);

int Decodeunicode(ulong addr,char *s,int len);

int Printfloat4(char *s,float f);

int Printfloat8(char *s,double d);

int Printfloat10(char *s,long double ext);

int Printsse(char *s,char *f);

int Print3dnow(char *s,char *f);

int IstextA(char c);

int IstextW(wchar_t w);

ulong Isretaddr(ulong retaddr,ulong *procaddr);

int Stringtotext(char *data,int ndata,char *text,int ntext);