This group of functions converts binary data, like address, floating number or character to ASCII text. Functions IstextA and IstextW check whether ASCII or UNICODE character can be a part of string. Isretaddr checks whether address is a possible return address.
int Decodeaddress(ulong addr,ulong base,int addrmode,char *symb,int nsymb,char *comment);
int Decoderelativeoffset(ulong addr,int addrmode,char *symb,int nsymb);
int Decoderange(ulong addr,ulong size,char *s);
int Decodecharacter(char *s,uint c);
int Decodeascii(ulong addr,char *s,int len,int mode);
int Decodeunicode(ulong addr,char *s,int len);
int Printfloat4(char *s,float f);
int Printfloat8(char *s,double d);
int Printfloat10(char *s,long double ext);
int Printsse(char *s,char *f);
int Print3dnow(char *s,char *f);
int IstextA(char c);
int IstextW(wchar_t w);
ulong Isretaddr(ulong retaddr,ulong *procaddr);
int Stringtotext(char *data,int ndata,char *text,int ntext);