
OllyDbg Plugin API


Decodes ASCII data of length ndata (not necessarily NULL-terminated) into the string of length at least ntext bytes according to the mode of string decoding set in String options. Decoding stops either when ndata symbols are processed, or character '\0' is emcountered, or when output string is full. Returns length of resulting string or 0 on error.

Note: There are three decoding modes currently supported by OllyDbg:

plain "abcdef"
Assembler "abc",LF,"def"
C "abc\ndef"

int Stringtotext(char *data,int ndata,char *text,int ntext);


data - pointer to input ASCII data of length ndata;

ndata - length of input data in bytes;

text - pointer to the buffer of length at least ntext that receives formated text;

ntext - size of output buffer in bytes.