Opens dialog box allowing user to select file name and additional file-related options, according to specified mode. In modes 0, 1 and 2 returns TRUE if valid file was selected and FALSE in any other case.
int Browsefilename(char *title,char *name,char *defext,int mode);
title - title of dialog box;
name - pointer to buffer containing initial file name, at least MAXPATH bytes long. On exit, contains name of file selected by user;
defext - pointer to string containing set of one or several default extentions. First extention must start with point ('.'). To specify several extentions, separate them with vertical line ('|'). To specify several extentions as a single selection, separate them with ";*" (like ".exe;*.dll"). Browsefilename knows several types of extentions and their combinations and automatically comments them;
mode - mode of operation. Modes 3 to 8 are not intended for use in plugins and are not described here:
0 | standard dialog without additional elements |
1 | dialog with combobox "Arguments" |
2 | dialog with checkbox "Append to existing file" |
New in version 1.10: if mode is ORed with 0x80, Browsefilename opens Save File dialog instead of Open File.