Creates new table window. If record with window's title already exists in ollydbg.ini, table has TABLE_SAVEPOS attribute and option "Restore windows position and appearance" is selected, restores old position, size and appearance of the table window. Returns pointer to window or NULL on error. Note that alternative function, Quicktablewindow, restores window if it already exists and sets default appearance parameters.
HWND Newtablewindow(t_table *pt,int nlines,int maxcolumns,char *winclass,char *wintitle);
pt - pointer to descriptor of table window;
nlines - preferred number of visible lines;
maxcolumns - preferred number of visible columns;
winclass - name of registered window class (for example, obtained from call to Registerpluginclass);
wintitle - window's title. If table has TABLE_SAVEPOS attribute, OllyDbg uses title to save and restore window's position and appearance.
See also: Registerpluginclass, Quicktablewindow