
OllyDbg Plugin API


Continues execution of the debugged program. Returns -1 if continuation is impossible and 0 on success. Improper use of this function may bring OllyDbg in unstable or undefined state. For simple tasks, consider use of Sendshortcut.

int Go(ulong threadid,ulong tilladdr,int stepmode,int givechance,int backupregs);


threadid - thread ID to continue. If threadid is 0, function assumes thread where last debugging event occured;

tilladdr - if stepmode is STEP_SKIP, function requests skipping of all commands up to tilladdr at once. Calling routine must guarantee that tilladdr is the first byte of some command and that sequence inbetween has no jumps/returns to outside. Otherwise, sets temporary breakpoint on tilladdr so that program will pause at this point (like "Run tol selection" in Disassembler).

stepmode - stepping mode, one of the following:

STEP_SAME Same action as on previous call to Go
STEP_RUN Run program
STEP_OVER Step over (execute calls at once)
STEP_IN Step in (enter subroutines)
STEP_SKIP Skip sequence till specified address

givechance - if debugged application was paused on exception and this parameter is not 0, passes exception to exception handler installed by application;

backupregs - if not 0, updates old thread registers (element oldreg of structure t_thread). Disassembler uses backup to highlight modified registers.

See also: OpenEXEfile, Animate, Suspendprocess, Runsinglethread, Restoreallthreads