
OllyDbg Plugin API


Type of INT3 breakpoint descriptor:

typedef struct t_bpoint { // Description of INT3 breakpoint

ulong addr; // Address of breakpoint

ulong dummy; // Always 1

ulong type; // Type of breakpoint, TY_xxx

char cmd; // Old value of command

ulong passcount; // Actual pass count

} t_bpoint;

Members (members that intended stricly for internal use are not explained):

addr - address of breakpoint;

dummy - length of breakpoint, must be 1;

type - type of breakpoint, combination of bits TY_xxx. Avoid direct modification. Please do not change flags that are not described here:

Flag Meaning
TY_SET Code INT3 is in memory. Never change!
TY_ACTIVE Permanent (user) breakpoint
TY_DISABLED Temporarily deactivated permanent breakpoint
TY_ONESHOT One-shot breakpoint set by OllyDbg, automatically removed if breakpoint is hit
TY_TEMP Temporary breakpoint, used internally by OllyDbg, for example to step over permanent breakpoint. Automatically removed when hit, execution continues

cmd - original command at specified address. If breakpoint is active, this command is replaced in memory by INT3;

passcount - counter that indicates how many times this breakpoint must be skipped. If OllyDbg decides that program should pause at breakpoint and passcount is not 0, it decrements passcount and continues execution. Note that this item is new to OllyDbg 1.10.

To get breakpoint descriptor, you may use the following code:

t_table *bptable;

t_bpoint *bpoint;

bptable=(t_table *)Plugingetvalue(VAL_BREAKPOINTS);

if (bptable!=NULL) {

bpoint=(t_bpoint *)Findsorteddata(&(bptable->data),addr);

if (bpoint!=NULL) {

..... any necessary actions .....



See also: Breakpoint functions, Setbreakpoint, Setbreakpointext, Tempbreakpoint