OllyDbg Plugin API


Type of optional callback function used by OllyDbg to sort elements of sorted data according to some criterium. This function receives two pointers to elements of sorted data and sort criterium (which is usually the index of column in the window displaying sorted data). Function must return 0 if elements are equal, 1 if first element is greater (comes later) and -1 if first element is less than the second (comes earlier).

A special predefined sort pseudofunction AUTOARRANGE makes sorted data autoarrangeable. See Createsorteddata for details.

typedef int SORTFUNC(const t_sortheader *p1,const t_sortheader *p2,const int sort);


p1 - pointer to the first element;

p2 - pointer to the second element;

sort - sort criterium. I recommend that you use 0 to sort data by address.

See also: Createsorteddata, Sortsorteddata