
OllyDbg Plugin API


Adds or replaces element in initialized sorted data. Returns pointer to item in the data if item is correctly added or replaced and NULL if either input parameters are invalid, data buffer is full and OllyDbg is unable to allocate more memory, new element cannot replace old because it is neither subset nor superset of the old item, or it overlaps with two or more existing elements. This pointer is valid till the next operation that adds or removes data. Do not change address or size of element after it is added to sorted data, this may lead to severe data integrity problems.

void *Addsorteddata(t_sorted *sd,void *item);


sd - pointer to initialized descriptor of sorted data;

item - pointer to new element.

See also: Deletesorteddata, Deletesorteddatarange, Findsorteddata, Findsorteddatarange, Findsorteddataindex