
OllyDbg Plugin API


Function checks whether command which binary code starts at data[offset] is a valid filling command (usually some kind of NOP) used to align code to a specified border. Returns length of command if this is recognized as filling and 0 otherwise. Checks include:





·LEA RA,[RA] (with or without SIB byte)

·LEA RA,[RA+00000000]

This list is far from completeness but includes commands most frequently used as filling by actual compilers.

int Isfilling(ulong offset,char *data,ulong size,ulong align);


offset - offset of binary command in data;

data - buffer containing copy of executable code;

size - size of valid code in data (if size<offset+size of tested command, function returns 0);

align - expected code alignment, must be either power of 2 (1,2,4,8...) or 0 that means no alignment.

See also: Disasm, Issuspicious, Isprefix, Readcommand