Decodes ASCII string that starts at address addr in the memory of debugged process into string s of length len. If mode is DASC_TEST or DASC_NOHEX, checks whether this really looks like a string, if DASC_ASCII - decodes as ASCII string, if DASC_PASCAL - decodes as Pascal string (not zero-terminated, preceded with byte length). If mode is DASC_NOHEX and value points to a string, precedes decoded string with "ASCII". Returns length of resulting text, not including terminal '\0'.
int Decodeascii(ulong addr,char *s,int len,int mode);
addr - address in the memory of debugged process where ASCII string starts;
s - pointer to buffer of length at least TEXTLEN bytes where Decodeascii places decoded string;
len - length of string s in bytes;
mode - decoding mode, one of the following:
DASC_TEST | Test whether pointed data really looks like an ASCII string. If not, print hexadecimal address instead of string |
DASC_NOHEX | Test whether pointed data really looks like an ASCII string. If not, return 0. |
DASC_ASCII | Force ASCII string |
DASC_PASCAL | Force Pascal string |
See also: Decodeunicode, Decodeaddress, Decodecharacter