
OllyDbg Plugin API


Mandatory callback function that must be present in any valid OllyDbg plugin. Here you can place all startup initializations and allocate resources. If startup was successfull, function must return 0. On error, it must free allocated resources and return -1, in this case plugin will be removed. Parameter ollydbgversion is the version of OllyDbg, use it to assure that OllyDbg is compatible with your plugin.

int ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion,HWND hw,ulong *features);


ollydbgversion - version of OllyDbg. Check that your plugin is compatible with this version. I will try to avoid incompatible changes in the future versions of OllyDbg;

hw - handle of main OllyDbg window, keep it if necessary;

features - reserved for future extentions.

See also: ODBG_Pluginreset, ODBG_Pluginclose, ODBG_Plugindestroy