
OllyDbg Plugin API


Structure that keeps the values of all relevant 80x86 registers. Note that length of this structure in version 1.10 is increased by 4 bytes. This may lead to incompatibilities with previous versions.

typedef struct t_reg { // Excerpt from context

int modified; // Some regs modified, update context

int modifiedbyuser; // Among modified, some modified by user

int singlestep; // Type of single step, SS_xxx


ulong ip; // Instruction pointer (EIP)

ulong flags; // Flags

int top; // Index of top-of-stack

long double f[8]; // Float registers, f[top] - top of stack

uchar tag[8]; // Float tags (0x3 - empty register)

ulong fst; // FPU status word

ulong fcw; // FPU control word

ulong s[6]; // Segment registers ES,CS,SS,DS,FS,GS

ulong base[6]; // Segment bases

ulong limit[6]; // Segment limits

uchar big[6]; // Default size (0-16, 1-32 bit)

ulong dr6; // Debug register DR6

ulong threadid; // ID of thread that owns registers

ulong lasterror; // Last thread error or 0xFFFFFFFF

int ssevalid; // Whether SSE registers valid

int ssemodified; // Whether SSE registers modified

char ssereg[8][16]; // SSE registers

ulong mxcsr; // SSE control and status register

int selected; // Reports selected register to plugin

ulong drlin[4]; // Debug registers DR0..DR3

ulong dr7; // Debug register DR7

} t_reg;


modified - non-zero value indicates that some registers were modified and OllyDbg should update CONTEXT structure of the corresponding thread before continuing execution;

modifiedbyuser - among modified registers, some registers were modified by user;

singlestep - used internally by OllyDbg, do not modify directly!

r - 32-bit general-purpose registers EAX,ECX,EDX,EBX,ESP,EBP,ESI,EDI (in the listed order, use constants REG_xxx to access);

ip - 32-bit Instruction Pointer (EIP register);

flags - 32-bit EFLAGS register, do not modify single-step trap bit!

top - index of the register that is the top of the FPU stack;

f - 80-bit floating-point/MMX/3DNow! registers;

tag - two-bit tags associated with floating point registers;

fst - 16-bit FPU status word;

fcw - 16-bit FPU control word;

s - segment registers ES,CS,SS,DS,FS,GS (in the listed order, use constants SEG_xxx to access);

base - base addresses of segment descroptors;

limit - limits of segment descriptors;

big - default segment size (0 - 16-bit segment, seldom in flat mode; 1 - 32-bit segment);

dr6 - debug register dr6, please do not modify!

threadid - identifier of the thread that owns registers;

lasterror - last error in the thread as returned by call to GetlastError, or -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) if exact value of the error is unknown;

ssevalid - non-zero if ssereg contain valid data;

ssereg - 16-byte SSE registers;

mxcsr - SSE control and status register;

selected - currently selected register, defined only if t_reg is passed to one of ODBG_Plugin... callback functions, otherwise undefined. AND this value with RS_GROUP to obtain the group of registers RS_xxx; to get index of register within the group, AND it with RS_INDEX. For example, code 0013 is a general-purpose register EBX (0013 & RS_GROUP = RS_INT, 0013 & RS_INDEX = REG_EBX);

drlin - debug registers dr0..dr3, please do not modify!

dr7 - debug register dr7, please do not modify!